October 27, 2007

Genital mutilation okay in Florida

"A woman who had her 13-year-old daughter's genitalia pierced to make it uncomfortable for her to have sex was acquitted of aggravated child abuse on Thursday.

The girl, now 16, had testified that her mother asked a friend in 2004 to shave the girl's head to make her unattractive to boys and later held her down for the piercing.

A jury deliberated for about three hours before deciding the mother's actions didn't involve punishment or malicious intent, or cause permanent damage or disfigurement.


Child welfare officials were called after the girl became infected from the piercing.

Tammy Meredith, 43, who did the piercing in her home, was sentenced to a year in jail for her role. An arrest warrant has been issued for the mother's boyfriend on allegations he had sex with the girl."

Ok, mom freaks because her 13 year old is having sex with her own boyfriend, shaves her head and has her genitalia pierced (by an amateur) with the intent of making sex uncomfortable. But that is just fine by the jury? No wonder the US tortures suspects these days.


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